As per Department of Transport requirements you must complete a Pre Trip and Mid Trip Inspection.

Brett has developed the most undemanding way of meeting the standards and keeping it simple with an easier learning pattern, therefore making your retention of the procedure achievable in less time.

Please spend as much time as possible viewing your virtual training video to gain this knowledge with Brett and on you day of training Brett will help you refine your procedure and answer any questions that may arise.

Note:  On the day of your training ensure you check the weather forecast and dress appropriately as rain, or shine we are outside to do it.

A Pre Trip and Mid Trip will normally take approximately 20 minutes each to complete.

Unlimited MC Truck Driver Training

Learn to drive a MC Truck from one of Western Australia’s most experienced truck driver instructors and receive Unlimited MC Truck Driver Training included in your course structure

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As per Department of Transport requirements you must complete a Pre Trip and Mid Trip Inspection.

Brett has developed the most undemanding way of meeting the standards and keeping it simple with an easier learning pattern, therefore making your retention of the procedure achievable in less time.

Please spend as much time as possible viewing your virtual training video to gain this knowledge with Brett and on you day of training Brett will help you refine your procedure and answer any questions that may arise.

Note:  On the day of your training ensure you check the weather forecast and dress appropriately as rain, or shine we are outside to do it.

A Pre Trip and Mid Trip will normally take approximately 20 minutes each to complete.

Unlimited MC Truck Driver Training

Learn to drive a MC Truck from one of Western Australia’s most experienced truck driver instructors and receive Unlimited MC Truck Driver Training included in your course structure

Sign up today